Monday, December 14, 2009

Review – Space Master X-7

The trouble I had with this movie is that I kept getting distracted by irrelevant details. For example, a woman tries to beat a hasty retreat from the home of her mad scientist ex, and … hey, is that cab driver Moe Howard? Then it turns out she’s carrying some kind of deadly space fungus with her and attempting to elude authorities by … so okay, back in 1958 a person could show up at an airline counter five minutes before a plane takes off, pay cash for a ticket and not have to go through security or even show ID? Then on the plane a government agent tries to figure out which woman … wait a sec. Airplanes used to have passengers’ lounges in the back? And four-person crews in the cockpit? Wow. Authorities struggle to apprehend the Typhoid Mary of space fungus before she can inadvertently spread the crud throughout the world. Fortunately for all concerned it grows somewhat inconsistently, thriving in purses and luggage but completely failing to transmit between people. Though this is a typical low-budget monster fest from the 1950s, I ended up kinda liking it. Mildly amusing

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