Friday, April 5, 2002

Review – Phantasm

From deep in the 70s (well, 1979) it’s the ultimate lower class horror movie! Bad script. Bad acting. Black Sabbath little people. Hemicudas. What else could your average trailer-dwelling, cheap horror movie buff possibly want? The plot’s some kind of muddled mess about an alien from another dimension who runs a funeral home days and spends his evenings transporting the bodies of the dead back to his home planet (a bleak place that looks like it ought to be a Pink Floyd album cover) to be shrunk and turned into slaves. Apparently the corpse supply isn’t adequate, so the villain goes out in search of no-job-havin’, bad music playin’, muscle car drivin’ innocents to kill. As bad guys go, The Tall Man is kinda cool. He’s understated, which is a real oddity in movies like this. Further, he’s backed up by the now-infamous flying metal balls that stick into peoples’ heads, drill in and pump blood. Otherwise this is silly and not much more. Mildly amusing