Saturday, February 26, 2022

Review – The Privilege

If this production is any indication, the German version of teenagers vs. evil is prettier than its American counterpart but sadly not smarter. This starts off as rich kids beset by the boogeyman, and by the end it boosts plot elements from just about everything from A Nightmare on Elm Street to Get Out. Imagine what that would be like if it looked like a Peloton ad, and you’ve got the picture. See if desperate

Review – Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

The only thing that distinguishes this from countless other TCM sequels, remakes and remake sequels is the return of Sally Hardesty, the sole survivor from the original. Her quest for vengeance might have been more compelling if it had been a bigger part of the plot or (spoiler alert) if it had been successful. Beyond that, this is an unimaginative parade of fumbled attempts to kill Leatherface (not that he can be killed in any event) mixed in with racism and school shooting flashbacks just to keep things topical. Overall this picture has the distinct scent of a production that went through multiple directors and other production setbacks. See if desperate

Friday, February 25, 2022

Review – Band of Brothers

There’s something profoundly comforting about this limited series. Without getting obsessive about it, the story structure and production values reference a simpler age when we dealt with Nazis by killing them. Based on the book by Stephen Ambrose, the plot follows members of the 101st Airborne from enlistment to the end of the war. As with any tale told over the span of ten episodes, the experience is uneven. The boot camp clichés at the beginning and the post-war episode at the end aren’t particularly interesting or entertaining. But D-Day and Bastogne are considerably more engaging. The cast is a parade of that-guy-from-that-thing faces, which helps distinguish characters who otherwise come across as interchangeable white guys in green uniforms. Macho posturing and war-is-hell grimness aside, this was a relaxing way to spend a few Friday nights. Worth seeing

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Review – Ouija: Origin of Evil

This production started with two strikes against it: it’s a sequel to an uninspiring horror movie, and its premise is as cliché-ridden as they come. Though the characters and the story do indeed turn out to be on the stale side, the production has some fun moments, too. Some of the scares are good, though they return to the same wells too frequently. And on the technical side, the director added some quirky touches to make the movie look more like it was shot in the early 1970s. Mildly amusing