Friday, October 2, 2009

Review – April Fool's Day (2008)

Video game designers should study movies like this. I mean, imagine a shooter in which you hate your own character as much as you hate the monsters that are attacking you. Then watching yourself die would be as much fun as killing the bad guys. Or maybe, if it’s anything like this movie, you’d just end up hating the whole thing. Six wealthy, obnoxious 20-somethings accidentally cause the death of one of their “friends,” and a year later the “ghost” comes back for revenge. Honestly, if you’ve seen more than a handful of pictures like this you can write a script that matches this one point for point in less time than it takes to actually watch it. Indeed, I managed to guess not only the final twist but also the corpse-to-be batting order without missing a call. The edited-for-TV version is better still. At one point one of the characters actually says “Oh fudge.” She got electrocuted a minute or two later, so at least she got spared Ralphie’s mom’s bar of soap. See if desperate

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