Thursday, June 22, 2000

Review – Final Destination

Gee, as if teenagers weren’t already sufficiently obsessed with death. The premise here is an odd mish-mash of recycled horror plots, including guy-who-can-foresee-disasters and teens-stalked-by-a-supernatural-force-with-a-grudge. The plot launches with a small group of kids saved from a doomed Flight-800-esque experience by a psychic premonition. But after that it devolves into the usual stalker plot (though at least this time the antagonist is an amorphous “death” rather than a personified evil like Freddie or Jason). Some of the editing is clever, but a lot of it ends up wasted on elaborate deaths that frequently seem more contrived than a Rube Goldberg device. Further, the deleted scenes available as extras on the DVD make it fairly apparent that the filmmakers originally had a much different ending in mind and that something a bit more cheerful had to be cooked up after audience testing. Mildly amusing

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