Monday, June 12, 2000

Review – Fatherland

The basic concept for this drama is somewhat intriguing: what if D-Day had failed, the United States had made peace with Germany, and the Holocaust had never come to light? A German cop and an American reporter end up on the trail of a mid-60s plot to kill high-ranking officials who know too much about the Final Solution. Our heroes end up in a race against time to uncover the awful truth before President Joseph Kennedy Sr. concludes a treaty with 75-year-old Adolph Hitler. Despite workmanlike performances by the cast, particularly grand Teuton Rutger Hauer, the high point of the movie turns out to be the art direction. The what-if creation of a 60’s era Nazi Germany ends up being more interesting than the twisting, turning plot it’s supposed to support. Mildly amusing

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