Friday, November 13, 2009

Review – The Flesh Eaters

This relic got off to a good start. Or to be more precise, it got off to a start similar to the beginning of Piranha, odd given that this picture predated the Sayles-Dante collaboration by more than a decade. But it started to stink shortly thereafter. I thought the title monsters would be something at least vaguely piranha-esque, but instead they’re microorganisms played by dry ice chucked in the water, pinholes poked in the film and other cheap effects. Somehow they’re able to strand a group of annoying travelers on an island with a mad scientist who’s studying the things. And when they’re joined by a brain-dead beatnik on a raft … well, suffice it to say that the dialogue was bad enough to peel paint off a fence, and the acting, direction and every other element of the production was of like quality. See if desperate

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