Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Review – Hannibal Rising

I gave up on reading Thomas Harris after Hannibal, so I don’t know if this latest Lecter episode is faithful to the novel version. I assume it is, as Harris wrote the screenplay. That just makes me double glad I skipped the book. It was bad enough wasting two hours on this dreadful story, let alone the time it would have taken to read it. So here we have the birth of the monster, the horrible childhood trauma that turned an innocent little boy into Hannibal the Cannibal. For the most part this plays out as a revenge flick, and you can imagine that if this guy tortures people just for fun then he’s going to be all extra hard on the war criminals who killed and ate his sister. However, what the killings should have been just made what they turned out to be even more dull. Evil geniuses are supposed to be imaginative. This one’s mostly just brutish. See if desperate

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