Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Review – Red State

Kevin Smith continues his quest to create the Most Perfectly Dreadful Movie Ever Made, coming damn close with this effort. Three suburban teens in search of a four-way are lured out of the city and into a trap set by a cult of religious nuts who prove to be part Westboro Baptists, part Branch Davidians and part Texas Chainsaw family. The religious nuts’ extended preaching and torture-killing their “guests” is interrupted by an ATF raid, and oddly things manage to go downhill from there. Maybe I’m just so used to Fred Phelps that I don’t get much entertainment value out of a homicidal parody of his bullshit. I don’t know if Smith was trying to make another comedy or a torture porn movie or a message piece or some combination of the three, but what he ends up making is a wasteful mess. Wish I’d skipped it

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