Saturday, October 23, 2010

Review – Robin Hood (2010)

For all the massive amounts of time, effort and money the studio poured into casting, writing, effects and just about every other aspect of this grandiose production, dozens of better movies might have been made. Though this isn’t the worst version of the Robin Hood story I’ve ever seen, it was nowhere near as good as it should have been. I liked the idea of setting this up as a “prequel” explaining ever so slowly just how a kind-hearted archer returning from the crusades ended up as one of history’s most famous outlaws. Unfortunately, the explanation apparently requires a whole lot of English politics, which seriously throws off the production’s pace. Further, Ridley Scott demonstrates once again that he has no idea how to direct a battle scene. I suppose this was entertaining enough for what it was. I just kinda wish it had been something else. Mildly amusing

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