Friday, March 14, 2008

Review – 30 Days of Night

Just one of the many disadvantages to living above the Arctic Circle is that if your town comes down with a case of vampires in December, you’re going to be stuck with them for awhile. That novel plot twist is both the driving force and the fatal undoing of this picture, because as clever as it is, it introduces some logic problems that are difficult to overcome. In fairly short order, the bloodsuckers manage to thin the herd down to a small handful of survivors, but then weeks of cat and mouse ensue. In a town of less than 200 residents, how long would it really have taken to search every building in town from attic to basement? Further, in some scenes the protagonists make enough noise to draw vampires from Miami, let alone nearby buildings, yet often they manage to get away with it. Suspension of disbelief aside, the vampires are annoying. They’re the usual cadre of goth Euro-trash, speaking some nonsense language (actually it could have been Romanian for all I know, but it sounded more like Klingon). And yet the picture completely lacks the aura of kinky sex that’s usually such a staple element of vampire movies. However, some of the scary moments are actually kinda scary. If only the movie featured more of them and less of the plot and dialogue. Mildly amusing

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