Monday, April 17, 2000

Review – Trainspotting

My family and I have managed to derive no end of mirth from my grandfather’s ill-conceived decision to go see this movie. He’s a life-long railroader, and I guess he just figured that if there were trains in the title that there would be trains in the movie. If you’ve seen this one already (or even know just a little bit about it), then you already know that Grandpa was thoroughly disappointed by this episodic tale of the ups and downs of a Scottish heroin addict’s life. Although I had a somewhat clearer idea of what to expect, I also found myself more than a little let down by the overall production. To be sure, it’s got a few funny moments and more than a couple of bits that are nearly thought-provoking. However, the plot depends far too heavily on the usual parade of junkie clichés. I also found it helpful to turn on the closed caption feature on my television, because at least a couple of the characters speak in such a thick street brogue that their lines are difficult if not impossible to follow without a little written assistance. Mildly amusing

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