Thursday, January 27, 2000

Review – Rated X

The Sheen-Estevez brothers strike again, with Emilio in the director’s chair. This time around they’re playing the Mitchell brothers, the guys who sort of introduced the concept of plot to the porn movie industry. By the time this true-story reheat of Boogie Nights runs its course, the characters have made their way through a ton of cocaine, a bushel of cigarettes and more scenery than I care to think about. The whole decadence thing gets really tired really fast, particularly because the movie suffers from the restrictions of toned-down, made-for-Showtime production standards. The story itself is interesting enough, though the whole good brother vs. bad brother thing wears a little thin after awhile. Other than that, my only real objection to the production is my usual gripe about soft-spoken dialogue and speaker-busting rock-out sequences. Mildly amusing

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