Saturday, January 26, 2008

Review – The Kingdom

The opening credits really got me interested in this movie. I thought maybe it would turn out to be like Syriana only less boring. And for the first hour or so, it actually filled the bill quite nicely. I don’t care for Jamie Foxx’s acting other than his work in Ray, and I don’t care much for Jennifer Garner at all. But I like Chris Cooper, and I definitely like movies that offer an even blend of international intrigue (especially when it’s at least semi-realistic) and a fast-moving plot with some good action and quality special effects. Trouble is, with 40 minutes or so to go the balance gets thrown way out of whack. Suddenly it’s a crappy video game excuse for a war movie, with the good guys going in with guns blazing and wasting the bad guys while taking only minimal damage. In other words, Foxx and Garner seemed a lot more at home in the back half. What a disappointment. Mildly amusing

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