Saturday, May 12, 2007

Review – The Queen

I’m not sure why they made this movie. Is it really worth this much screen time to show audiences how out of touch the English royal family has become with the whole rest of the planet? That literally seems to be the only point here, aside from showcasing Helen Mirren’s ability to make Elizabeth II look even more lifelike than the real thing. And really, just about anything would have been more interesting. Take an idea from Eddie Izzard and treat us to a few minutes of the Queen using a brick-filled purse to fend off crazy dogs. Hire Oliver Stone to explore hints that MI6 was involved in Princess Diana’s death. Or better yet, cut straight to the heart of the matter and offer some explanation for why anyone in her or his right mind would give two pence about Diana’s former in-laws. Oh, and as long as I’ve already mentioned Izzard, I’ll add that just about every word that comes out of the mouths of Prince Charles and his father (played by James Cromwell, who has done much better work elsewhere) sounds just like, “So you’re a plumber. What on earth is that?” Mildly amusing

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