Sunday, April 22, 2007

Review – This Film Is Not Yet Rated

Make a movie about how bad the MPAA ratings system is and then submit it for an MPAA rating? How post-modern. Oddly enough, for the most part this isn’t too bad. The interviews with directors who have run up against ratings problems are interesting without being especially informative. The extended stunt of hiring private investigators to uncover the secret identities of ratings board members is Michael Moore clever without being Michael Moore annoying. But the best part is the actual descriptions of how the board does business, particularly when its often-capricious decisions are illustrated with examples from the movies to which they were applied. Though overall this was a fun experience, it might have been a bit better with less squabbling with the MPAA and a little more careful examination of the ratings system in an ever-more-post-theatrical movie industry. Mildly amusing

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