Sunday, January 29, 2006

Review – Napoleon Dynamite

Ever wonder if those geeky kids in high school who always ate by themselves in the lunchroom actually had lives? Well, apparently they do. This is one of those movies that got so drastically over-sold that I was afraid that I’d end up hating it just because of the hype. But I didn’t hate it. Quite the opposite. The production is crammed with clever little moments, and as long as it keeps up its almost totally unselfconscious portrayal of the lives of high school outsiders it’s one of the best movies I’ve seen in awhile. Trouble arises only when it attempts to sprout a plot, particularly in the all-too-MTV-Pictures ending. A couple of scenes also involve strangely callous treatment of animals. Otherwise the show would probably have ranked at least one ratings level higher, as overall it was genuinely entertaining. Mildly amusing

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