Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Review – Murderball

This is the most honest documentary about quadriplegics that I’ve ever seen. These guys aren’t saintly sweet physically-differently-abled people struggling to overcome their limitations. Instead they’re dramatic proof that rugby mooks in wheelchairs aren’t any different from rugby mooks who can walk. They’ve got the same ultra-macho drive to win games, drink beer, et cetera. And oddly enough, the story of the rivalry between the U.S. paralympic rugby team and a former member now coaching the Canadian squad makes for compelling viewing. At times it gets a little too MTV-reality-show-ish. I also thought the drama would have been stronger if the directors had done a better job covering the games themselves or at the very least keeping things in chronological order. Despite the odd editing, the personalities of the players serve to keep things interesting throughout. Mildly amusing

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