Friday, March 25, 2005

Review – Game Box 1.0

This movie features the most thoroughly documented delivery of a piece of mail since Spike Jonze's video for "If I Only Had a Brain" by MC 900 Foot Jesus. Once the package finally arrives at its destination – the home of a video game tester who recently lost his significant other – it turns out to be a new virtual reality first person shooter. Do I even need to tell you that if you die in the game you die in reality? The effects are cheap, but perhaps the chunky look was done intentionally to keep the game graphics consistent with what games looked like back then. Though this isn't the worst what-if-games-really-killed-you production I've ever seen, isn't exactly the best either. At least the production is notable for an appearance by The Dish's Danielle Fischel. Mildly amusing

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