Sunday, July 30, 2000

Review – The Terminal Man

The Terminal Bore is more like it. Though it’s been many years since I read the book, I remember it as being a lot more interesting than this odd, sixties-vision-of-the-future flick about the evils of mind control. George Seagal plays a man suffering from a form of epilepsy that makes him wig out and try to kill people every time he suffers a seizure. Well-meaning doctors implant electrodes into his brain with the intent of staving off his attacks with pleasant stimulation. But as such things often do, the scheme goes awry; our anti-hero’s brain becomes addicted to the shocks, triggering the device so frequently that the over-stimulation begins to cause the very problem it was supposed to prevent. The premise isn’t bad, but once it’s established the movie just doesn’t seem to go much of anywhere else. Mildly amusing

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