Tuesday, May 9, 2000

Review – Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy

At no point in this entire movie does the antagonist make the slightest noise, let alone scream. Sadly, that’s nowhere near this picture’s greatest defect. That honor is evenly shared between the amateur acting, dreadful script, and intensely uneven pace. I’ll let horror movies get away with a lot, and leeway typically extends even further when a mummy is involved (even when it’s an Aztec mummy like this one rather than the more traditional, Egyptian variety). But even my lax standards don’t accommodate dull movies, and this one goes so long between interesting moments that even “dull” doesn’t do it justice. Just about the only novel or noteworthy element here is that the teenage guys spend more time stripped down to their underwear than do their female counterparts. So if that floats your boat, you might want to check it out. Otherwise ... Wish I’d skipped it

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